B2B SaaS Blog | SaaS Academy

How to Build a Referral Program into Your SaaS Product | SaaS Academy

Written by Dan Martell | Mar 19, 2018 11:12:28 AM

“Help me. Help you.”


Not talking about that epic one liner from Jerry Maguire.

I’m talking about the inner dialogue your customers experience whenever they try to refer your product to their tribe.

One of the EASIEST ways to acquire a new B2B Saas customer is to have your current users refer you at scale.

Just ask Dropbox 😉

Only problem is… most companies make that process painfully hard and complicated.

And since not having a simple and effective referral strategy is such a crazy missed opportunity to grow your user base while creating an army of evangelists…

I shot a new video showing you the 4 steps to creating a referral system that acts as a win-win-win…

…  for your current customers… your new customers… and your company.

Exclusive Download: Referral Page System Worksheet™ – Download This Exclusive Blueprint To Build a Referral Program into Your SaaS Product

On a high level, here’s what it takes to implement an effective B2B SaaS referral system:

  1. Choose a win
  2. Give to both
  3. Make it easy
  4. Seed it

Of the four, the first one is where most SaaS companies mess up.

Put it this way… if you were a restaurant owner, would people be more likely to refer you:

a) After they’ve booked a reservation
b) While waiting in line
c) When the waiter brings out the food
d) After they’ve eaten… and are waiting for the check.

Same goes for your SaaS.

Make the ask after a nice juicy win… and you’ll be well on your way to implementing a winning referral strategy that exponentially grows your user base without sucking air out of your acquisition margins.

Watch the full video to go deeper into the other steps.