We've partnered with SimpleTiger to boost your SEO game to the next level. 


Increase organic traffic in half the time without wasting money or doubling your effort.

In this new SEO Accelerator you’ll learn our Organic Growth Framework™ which is what we use to help SaaS companies small and large achieve market dominance through search in record time. Many of our clients go on to achieve progressive rounds of funding, sell their SaaS and go through The Perfect Exit.

Accelerate Your SEO
simple tiger

In this SEO Accelerator, you'll learn:

  • Our 4-part Organic Growth Framework which categorizes everything that impacts SEO into 4 major categories to simplify your learning and execution process.
  • How to perform Keyword Research effectively to understand which keywords your target audience are searching and what their intent is behind each search.
  • How you can translate your Keyword Research into a comprehensive Content Strategy which will show you exactly which pages to add to your site, why, and how.
  • Which Technical Issues are plaguing your site’s performance in search in what to do about them in prioritized order.
  • How to build links back to your site’s content to effectively “push” it up in the rankings.
  • A prioritized execution plan so you can begin getting results quickly and effectively, then you can iterate again and again across all your major keyword sets until you dominate the rankings!

About the Creator

Hey, I’m Jeremiah Smith, founder and CEO of SimpleTiger, a digital marketing agency specializing in SEO and PPC for SaaS companies.

I’ve helped SaaS brands like Audible, Mint, Segment, Shopify, and many other achieve market dominance using SEO.

In this new SEO Accelerator you’ll learn our Organic Growth Framework™ which is what we use to help SaaS companies small and large achieve market dominance through search in record time. Many of our clients go on to achieve progressive rounds of funding, sell their SaaS and go through The Perfect Exit.

After you’ve gone through each element of our SEO Accelerator you’ll be well on your way to driving high-quality traffic to your site, signing up more demos and purchasing your product.

For the first time, you’ll understand exactly what needs to happen to do SEO the right way without wasting time on ineffective action.

Excited? Me too!

Jeremiah on White Square

Download SEO Accelerator

Don’t waste time doing SEO the wrong way, or spend too much money doing the wrong things, or in the wrong order with poor results. Instead, get our SEO Accelerator and do the right things at the right time with the right cost so you can get true SEO results in record time without breaking the bank!

Accelerate Your SEO